Regulatory hurdles, company policies, and lengthy review cycles and creating case studies is a challenge. Getting customers to agree to Job Function Email List participate is often the hardest part of casestudy, says SashaLaferte. Click To Job Function Email List TweetFollow these tactics to help persuade your customers and get them excited to participate in your marketing case study. HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 9 Strategies for Using Customer
Testimonials in Your ContentMake formal submissions and process requests Many companies have formal rules for providing testimonials, which can lengthen the process if you want them to participate in a case study. Your customer may have to Job Function Email List consult the legal department and/or senior management just for approval to proceed. That's why the first tactic for developing your case study flow is to Job Function Email List create a formal process.
The first tactic for growing your casestudy pipeline is to create a formal process, says SashaLaferte. Click To TweetMeet with your customer success, sales, and marketing teams to explain why case studies are necessary for the Job Function Email List success of your marketing strategy - and ultimately, sales. Use these compelling marketing case study statistics from Boast to boost your promotions. Next, create a formal document outlining how to Job Function Email List submit a marketing case study opportunity.